Eva Césarová


Tag: therapy

Psilocybin at the End of Life

Palliative care is an area that has rightfully garnered attention in recent years. Let’s be honest: we all have an interest in ensuring that this phase of care is humane and kind, allowing for a dignified departure, and more.

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Patient’s Troubles

“Are you working in psychedelic research? And can I participate in it?” Phrases I hear repeatedly almost every time I mention that my professional subject is psychedelics. I always wonder if people are aware of what it really means to become a research subject.

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A Ritual Participant

Eight years ago, I found myself at my first psychedelic ritual. A group of about ten people, none of whom I knew, remained strangers to me at that time. And to this day I don’t remember anyone who was there. My experience could be summarized in three sentences – I drank an unknown potion, about an hour later I “returned” it into a bucket, and then I fell asleep to the sweet sound of a harmonica.

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